Empathetic Limbic Thriving

firstblogpostWe are entering a time of increased attention to intimate needs and the variety of ways we can fulfill our human appetites for connection, love and real time intimate nourishment. Our hopes and dreams regarding love and relationship are conditioned and socialized such that we require deliberate attention and inquiry to understand, unwind and fully embody our true nature and capacities for love and loving- outside and beyond the ‘ standard narrative’.

The complex nature of the human heart, with the experiences, hurts and wounds of our past, present powerful opportunities for healing, insight, clearing and the healthy evolution of our inner landscapes and outer lives as lover and beloved.

Our evolutionary practices will enable us to journey as a group into the powerful terrains of vulnerable and transparent tribal culture when we, together discover and employ the values and virtues that sustain and nourish us.
We endeavor to be ourselves, in a deeply gracious space of loving presence and trust where we carve out time to be with the sweet and nourishing qualities of deep intimate connection. Not sexually intimate connection, but vulnerable, authentic relating from the heart and in the spirit of communion with self, spirit and other. This is the nature of the dialogues and discussions we share inside of a sacred container that is grounded and safe.

There are many levels of ‘being’ which grace our human experience and enrich our lives. Relating well to other humans is a core need relating to the Limbic part of our brain. We all thrive better with healthy human to human connection- and we all need practice with empathy, compassion and the skills for living authentically within the pulse of the current times.