Community Counseling

Elizabeth is one of the most fearless, focused and fabulous innovators we know! Her light lasers of truth and insight into group process, expansion and connectedness invite anyone and everyone brave enough to participate to shine their own light. Definitely “out of the box”!  ~ Deborah Wilder & Lloyd Barde

Community Counseling

Start where you are and bring what you got!

Elizabeth is available to facilitate circle work, counseling and community ceremonies for your event or organization.  

Elizabeth creates and holds sacred and deeply compassionate space for people to become familiar and comfortable with the internal landscapes and the process of self discovery and personal growth. We practice emotional intelligence, better listening, looking within, speaking from the heart, relaxing the mind and following the felt senses in order to discover the golden threads into our mysterious inner terrains. Elizabeth stewards a solid container and experience for people. She holds space with laser presence and a very generous heart.

  • Do you feel the need to connect with another human in a deeply intimate and honest way?
  • Do you have deeply held beliefs, patterns, and habits that can be investigated with care and curiosity?
  • Are you longing for more intimacy and authenticity in your connections with other humans and with life ?
  • Do you feel that something mysterious is missing for your daily life and spiritual well being?
  • Are there times when you sense, know and feel your expanded personal potential but don’t know how to get there, live there, stay there?

Counseling in Elizabeth’s uniquely embodied style is a refreshing shift away from standard talk therapies. We listen together, and feel for the ripe and rich pathways that offer opportunities for investigation. This process often calls for silence and stillness, movement and somatic expression along with focused inquiry. Elizabeth has strong intuitive guidance an extraordinary capacity for focused presence and space holding. She provides a heart space, both sacred and deeply compassionate – for people to become familiar and comfortable with the internal landscapes and the process of self discovery. The ability to call in support, reflection and kinship is a valuable resource and a sign of proactive self development.

Email Elizabeth ( for a free initial session and to see how embodied counseling and coaching might serve you.

Elizabeth is a kick-ass counselor.
~ I.G., Sebastopol